Chromatography Technology
The principle of chromatographic separation is based on the different distribution coefficients or affinities of various substances in a system composed of a stationary phase and a mobile phase. During the chromatographic column separation process, as the mobile phase carries the substances to be separated through the stationary phase, the interactions between the components of the mobile and the stationary phase vary due to differences in their properties and structures. Through multiple distribution equilibrium processes, the separation target is achieved, forming separation profiles.
Single-column Chromatography
Dating back to 1903, Russian scientist Tswett employed a glass column filled with solid CaCO3 particles, then loading a mixture of plant pigments at the top of the column and rinsed it with a solvent. The result showed distinct bands of colors within the column, leading to the term "chromatography."
Continuous Chromatography
Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) technology is a typical continuous chromatography technique, the concept proposed in the late 1950s and commercialized in the early 1960s, marking it significant technology for industrial production. SMB Initially used in large scale petrochemical and sugar industries, currently also applied in numerous applications in the industry of industrial biotechnology, fine chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.
In the field of industrial biotechnology, depending on the difficulty of separation/ different products, industrial designs often include 4-column chromatography, 6-column chromatography, and 8-column chromatography. The commonly used stationary phase is polymer ion exchange resin.
Main Separation Mechanisms:
In the industrial biotechnology field, the main separation mechanisms include five categories.
Size Exclusion Chromatography: Oligosaccharides separation(FOSs, GOSs), glucose and maltose separation.
Affinity Chromatography: Separation of xylose and arabinose, glucose and fructose, mannitol and sorbitol.
Ion Exclusion Chromatography: Amino acid desalting, xylose desalting, sugar beet syrup separation.
Acid-retardation Chromatography: Separation of citric acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, etc.
Hydrophobic Difference: Separation between different amino acids.
Industrial Applications:
Amino Acids:
Serine, Valine, Leucine/Isoleucine, Tryptophan, Glutamine, Alanine, etc.
Organic Acids:
Citric acid, Lactic acid, Succinic acid, Itaconic acid, etc.
Starch Sweeteners & Polyols:
Glucose, Fructose, Allulose, Maltitol, Mannitol, Sorbitol, etc.
Functional Foods:
Fructose Oligo Saccharides, Glucose Oligo Saccharides, Threalose, Xylose, Isomaltullose, Inulin, etc.
Other Applications:
Vitamin C, 1,3-Propanediol, Betaine, etc.